After having a good night's sleep, I woke refreshed, but with a slight headache, which passed very quickly.  We went to a spiritual discourse early in the morning where I made my juice into a "to go" bottle to carry with me, and brought lots of Kangen water. to drink.

I had some more hiccups a couple of times today (my mom taught me that hiccups were a form of gas) and my nose was slightly running.  I still wasn't too hungry for the juice, so I mostly focused on drinking water.

I started the liver detox early this morning.  Almost immediately I could feel a diminishing of my nervousness and twitching.  I found this to be amazing!  I'm having a lot of insightful clarity about my body and my life!  I am now starting to love the way I am feeling,  especially because of these visible results. The benefits of the fast are also showing less puffiness and darkness around the eyes.

My body feels MUCH CLEANER and my mind MUCH CLEARER!  Naturally, my mind is still trying to tempt me into eating, but I know that is the job of the mind and the senses.  I'm going for "the gold ring" for health's sake.

I decided I am going to go deeper into the cleanse by continuing on vegan raw foods, when I gradually do break this juicing fast.  Because of this decision, I started preparations for it by getting the raw food diet organized so I will be ready when the time comes. I made 10 trays of onion crackers and 10 trays of mushroom-veggie burgers in the dehydrator which will have a great future shelf life. at a time when I am no longer fasting.

I also really enjoy being in the kitchen preparing food when I fast.  I savor the aromas and since I love cooking, it's fun for me to handle the food,  Besides, I have a husband to care for, and a panty and refrigerator to manage.

I allowed myself to get overtired with all of my kitchen work so I asked my husband to give me a "Raindrop Therapy" massage, with essential oils. Then he read me a few short  spiritual stories.
I did not take any Melatonin and I drifted off to sleep.


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